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EF1 Little Toni

€109.00 €90.00

Product Information

 Electric Formula 1 Little Toni

Designed By Dan Kane And Jerry Small
Complete woodbuild kit with vacuumformed cowl ,wheelpants and canopy

Design Features:

All Formers And Ribs CNC Cut
Unique Tab Lock Design
Two Piece Design
Easy Battery Acces through removable canopy
Wing Area: 25.5 dm2
Wing Span; 1296 mm
Flight Weight: Starts at 1350 grams
Wing Loading: 50gr dm2 to 65gr dm2
4 Channel Elevator,Rudder, Ailerons & Throttle   
      Kit Includes:
Photo Instructions Full cd download here
Full Size Rolled Cad Plans With All Parts Shown
All balsa To Complete The Toni 
No hardware
      Required to Complete:
     Control Horns , Steering Cables,etc
4 Channel Radio
Light weight Receiver:
Light weight Servos: 4 x 12,5 grams
Motor: as allowed by the Pylon commision
Electric Speed Controller 70 amps
Prop 8x6..8x8 apc thin electric
Battery:4 lipo cells 2500 ma max weight 325grs
Thick and Thin CA glue
Aluminium landing gear set 
Clasic wood construction all tab lock 
Wood build wing 

 Finished ready to reace


Little Tony

Very nice kit, it was easy to build and flies really well.
There are only a few things I would do differently if I had to build this again.
I would add hatches for the wing servo's and maybe use a little bit thicker balsa for the wing sheeting.
I participated in a few pylon races with this EF-1 and it held up perfectly.
The only real critisism I have is the construction of the wheelpants.
The vacuumformded parts in my kit did not fit together at all so I replaced them with fibreglass pants.
If you like high speed flying an would like to get into pylonracing this is a kit for you!
I liked this plane so much that I also bought a Polecat.
Aug 12 2011, 12:32 PM :: Emanuel (


Product Code: EF1M81

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