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Delta 400


Stock Level: 1

Product Information

Delta 400

Cells 3s- lipo
Power req :Brushless drive Typhoon 6/15 or equ
Controls: 2x servo
Including: horns cables etc
instructions and superb cad drawing 
Wood build precision kit
instructions are download and Instructions for this kit are on the drawing


Delta 400
Updated for Brushless Drive


Excellent flying, designed for combat, easy launching by hand, easy flying even for the lesser experienced.
Building can be done in a week of evenings and you don't need a big building table
You need two micro servo's and a micro receiver and a Brushless drive and 3 lipo cells ,This combination will give approx. 6 minutes of combat flying time.



This is a picture from the final type
Flying weight is <400grams wingspan is 530mm
The Delta 400 is easy to built and not to difficult to fly.
The rudder can easy be removed for transportation.



This is the kit , it contains all cnc cut parts and a rolled drawing this also includes
templates for easy cutting the wing sheeting to cover the Delta 400.



Basic delta built on the bottom sheeting.



Delta's are great for club combat.


Product Code: DEL04

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