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Cutting Jobs and vacuumforming

Custom cutting Jobs and Vacuumforming

we are doing frequently custom milling jobs in 2D or 3D
This can be for normal customers who wants to have there ribs and formers done, or for industrial customers for series work
What we need to get you a quote:

Cad drawing of the parts you need , in dwg or dxf or 3DM we can import almost any file ,
 Scanned images are also possible but this takes a lot of work to make formers from this (high cost)

Our standard materials in stock
Balsa wood from 1,5mm to 10mm
Plywood , Poplar 3 and 6mm Ceiba 2mm and a variety of Birch Aircraft Grade Ply
Size we can handle : 600x1200 mm

Vacuum forming

we have a professional fully automatic vacuumforming  machine

our max object size is 450x300 , max height is 200mm
remember that the heigt may never be larger as the diameter

we use clear vivak petg sheet sheet size is 600x400x1 mm 

other materials also possible like abs or polystyreen sheet


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cutting examples

cutting examples


here some cutting examples : houten onderdelen naar tekening of cad bestand    Voor Thij…

Vacuum forming

Vacuum forming


Vacuumforming canopys and cowls size 450x300mm maxforming size  Price per vacuumforming pull E15.- check out…

Vivak Petg clear for vacuumforming

Vivak Petg clear for vacuumforming


 Clear petg 1mm for vacuumforming Size500x350

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