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RBC Fun Flyer Kits

RBC Fun Flyer Kits

RBCkits fun fly models , all wood build ,with vacuformed canopy and parts  if needed

All kits are flight tested and drawings are reworked so no mistakes can be made.

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Aileron Protection Device APD

Aileron Protection Device APD


A.P.D Aileron Protection Device , A great Idea from Piet Plomp To protect the ailerons and or flap on your wing , fo…

Bobo Cat

Bobo Cat


Bobo Cat Short Movie Here Frank Born Movie here Design Features: All Formers And Ribs cnccut parts in bals…




5.0 average, based on 1 reviews

Chica  All wood construction.  Vacuum formed Canopy,instrument panel ,   Easy building kit all parts cnc c…

Combat foamy killer

Combat foamy killer


3.0 average, based on 1 reviews

 Combat Foamy Killer Steady hands are necessary for this wild one, but with the controls in the sissy range everybo…

Delta 400

Delta 400


Delta 400 Cells 3s- lipo Power req :Brushless drive Typhoon 6/15 or equ Controls: 2x servo Including: horns cable…




5.0 average, based on 1 reviews

For all you (would be) woodies, here is the JIMMY ! A traditional trainer built in a traditional way, from balsa and…

Jimmy aileron version

Jimmy aileron version


For all you (would be) woodies, here is the JIMMY with Ailerons! A traditional trainer built in a traditional way, f…

Micro FW190

Micro FW190


Micro FW190 as designed by Ton Van Munsteren for The RCM and E Note : 10 of these kits wil fitt in the same shipping …

Micro Horten

Micro Horten


5.0 average, based on 1 reviews

  Micro Horten A Horten type Flying wing check out the movie movie2 Laser Cut Balsa Now available ask for i…

Micro P51

Micro P51


Micro P51 as designed by Ton Van Munsteren for The RCM and E Note : 10 of these kits wil fitt in the same shipping co…

Micro Rata

Micro Rata


Micro Rata as designed by Ton Van Munsteren for The RCM and E Note : 10 of these kits wil fitt in the same shipping c…

Micro Tempest

Micro Tempest


Micro Tempest as designed by Ton Van Munsteren for The RCM and E Note : 10 of these kits wil fitt in the same shippin…

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