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Spitfire MKI


5.0 average, based on 1 reviews

Stock Level: 2

Product Information

Spitfire MKI

Cells 3s1550 lipo
Power req :Typhoon 29/12/10 or Typhoon 15/10
Controls: 3x servo
Including: cad drawing, Canopy
instructions and superb cad drawing 
Wood build precision kit,no hardware like hinges cables etc
No landing gear in this kit , pictures are from a customer who made it this way
The Spit is a handlaunch model !

Instructions for this kit are on the drawing



and more customer pictures

The shown Spitfire is fitted with a under carriage, this si not in the kit


It's made to fly with the speed 600 and Master Airscrew 1:2,5 gear and
the 12x10 Graupner gear prop and Hollein spinner and 60mm midpiece.
Specs :
wing area: 22 dm2
wing span: 1100 mm
weight : 1325 grams
power : 8 x 2000ma
motor: speed 600 8,4
Building is the same as the AT6 and the H75"HAWK"
so a little expirience is needed.








Product Code: SPIK3

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 5


Good build, fuselage is a bit strange to build at first. CG is very hard to get right if you want to build light, started with a 28-36 motor and 2200mah batt, ended up with 3300mah battery and 35-36A 1400Kv motor and a heavy spinner. ended up at 1150grams (unfinished, in base coat) very nice to fly, stable, fast and slow, no bad behaviour at all.

Jan Ackermans :: 15 Dec 2019, 17:07

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