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Product Information


Cells 10-12 3300ma
Power req :Typhoon 29/12/10
Controls: 4x servo
Including: Cowl, no waterslide decals available
instructions and superb cad drawing 
Wood build precision kit

Download instructions here

Download text here

Full cd download here

wingspan 1450mm

wing area 28dm

weight rtf 1900gr

motor axi 2820/10 3 lipo cells 3300


L19 Birdog


The Cessna L19"BIRDDOG"
A scale model of the famous reconnaissance aircraft.
For Electric or IC power.
The Birddog starts from ground
There is no hardware in the Birddog kit as steering cables hinges etc etc 



Here some building pictures:


The main fuselage part is tricky.


Wings are straightforward

2 beauties

Decals not in kit


Product Code: BIRS3

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