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Bobo Cat


Manufacturer: rbckits

Product Information

Bobo Cat

Short Movie Here

Frank Born Movie here

Design Features:
All Formers And Ribs cnccut parts in balsa and ply
Unique self Lock Design
Wing Area: 16dm2
Wing Span; 838 mm
Lenght :1020mm
Flight Weight: Starts at 1100 grams (3s lipo)
3 Channel , Ailerons,elevator,Throttle,
Kit Includes:
Photos and Instructions download here 
Full Size Rolled Cad Plans With All Parts Shown 
Vacuformed Canopy, and pvc sheet outlet ducting
All wood and sheeting to make the bobo Cat 5 sheets of balsa  3 sheets of lite ply

and spruce and balsa stringers
There is no hardware  in the Bobo Cat like hinges and horns etc etc

Available as free download in the instructions  the cockpit interiour from Frank Born

Required to Complete:

Any 8 Channel Radio 
Light weight Receiver:
Servos: About 13 grams metal gear  
Motor: Hetrc EDF2w-20 4s3000

Wemotec Mini fan Evo 70mm or equ

finish plastic foil or glass 1mtr2
hinges 9x ca type
steering arms 3x
steering wire steel 1,2mm
servo extension wire for elevator 1000mm
canopy latch 
dummy pilot
fasteners 2,9x13 for fanunit
ca glue thick and medium and thin
canopy glue  
building nails etc 

Some build pictures here:

wing classic build up with all formers cnccut

build up stabilizer servo build in

servo wiring through boom

Build up fuselage not hard 

Launch grips incorporated

Outlet duct from added plastic or use a wemotec exhaust tube, much nicer

wood build is lovely

Product Code: BOBXSM9I91

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