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Crackerbox Gas powered


Manufacturer: rbckits

Product Information

 RBC style Crackerbox

Powerpete's Jerry Dunlap Cracker modified to cad and cnc
Parts are limited to 950mm so deck and bottom, sides are cnccut in 2 smaller parts and you can easy glue them together
Motorrails are made of 2 parts 3mm and have to be joined with glass and epoxy to have enough strenght
Only picture download , no instructions (not needed)
Power : Zenoah
Incl: all wood, bottom sides and top , 6mm is joined from 2x3mm
Incl : radio box
Incl cover for motor and radio compartment

The Cracker has its own building Jig

Lenght : 1168mm
Beam: 416mm

Full cd download here

Product Code: CRA67IIV57

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