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F35C midi


Manufacturer: rbckits

Product Information

F35C 90mm edf

For 90mm edf or Turbine

Design Features:
All Formers And Ribs CNC Cut
Building frame suplied
Unique Tab Lock Design
One Piece Design
Wing Area: 45 dm2
Wing Span; 1030 mm
Lenght :1250mm
Flight Weight: Starts at 3000 grams
4 Channel , Tailerons , Throttle,retracts
Kit Includes:
Photo and Instructions download here or
Full cd download here
Full Size Rolled Cad Plans With All Parts Shown
Vacuformed Canopy , fairings , nose cone , tail cone 
PVC/Paper  Outlet Tube
Control Horns , 
Required to Complete:

There is no hardware in this kit !

Any inexpensive 4 Channel Radio
Light weight Receiver:
Servos: About 25 grams metal gear 2pcs
Motor: Hetrc EDF650 serie 6S or 8s 

Wemotec Midi fan evo

Midifan Evo 6Sdrive set 
Battery:6S to 8S lipo
Thick and Thin CA glue,
Bungee Launch or Retracts (prepared)  
braided wire for front retract steering

Canopy closing
Fastener 2,9x13 4x tailcone
Fastener 2,9x13 12x for retract mounting
steering wire 1,5x330 1x
Retracts used:
HK SKU:HK-15090S
Servoless nose wheel retract with metal trunnion and steering arm.
33mm x 35mm Mount  90 Degree
Features Auto Cut Off and pre-installed 4mm Oleo Mounting Pin.
Mount Plate Dimensions: 33mm x 35mm
Scew Hole Spacing: 24mm x 28mm
Depth: 26mm
Length: 61mm
Pin: 4mm
Weight: 46g (x 1)

Small example movie here

Nice movie from Andrej Jemec

Some building pictures:

A build frame is included in the parts , this makes the fuselage easy to build

All cnc cut wood ply and balsa construction self jigging and aligning

Wing is easy build all balsa , prepared for retracts

Wing fairing hides retracts

All balsa construction with vacuumformed parts to make life easyer

large removable hatch for edf unit 

Product Code: F35Y0PTQ77

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