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Frequently asked Questions:

Do you ship to ......?

We ship worldwide on prepaid base only 

What is the cost  in  us dollars or australian dollars ??

very easy google it or

How much is the shipping cost ?

That depends on the kit and where you are located, just place the order the shipment shows up then
you do not have to pay in that stadium 

How can i pay?

You can pay by bank or Multisafepay , or paypal
We do not take cheques or direct card payments

Where can i find the trace code for my order?
The trace code is in your acount for non european customers
For the trace dial in your trace code , zip code country here.
When it arrives in your country dial in the trace code in your postal sytem

For European customers the trace code is mailed to you, check your spam box also

When do i get my order ?

when the order is finished (normaly in 1 or 2 days) check the trace
it will take some days for europe some 10-14 days outside europe.

I want to build a Warbird or edf jet

You might have assembled and flown 100 foamys , but that will not make you 
a model builder .
We do not recomend you build a warbird or edf jet for first time.
You have to learn to build and you need to start with a beginners kit.
Our Jimmy and Gliders are aimed at the beginners take a look at them
This is only a advice 

Are your kits for beginners ?

No most of our kits are not for beginners , you need expirience in building
and finishing and setting up Model Airplanes, unless it is mentioned as for beginners
see the Jimmy and gliders for beginners kits

Where are the instructions ?

Please see the drawing and then download the instructions from our website.
We have a instructions download site check out

Note that all  files are tested if your download is damaged it is not our file, the problem
is on your side , also you need a pdf reader and a word file reader  
We do not send instructions per email as this is simply to large to mail

I am missing a part or item  in my order:

Just mail us we will take care of it , also read the Term and Conditions
Some items are just much easyer and faster made yourself from the spares.

How do i build my RBCkit ?

Please read the instructions and pictures it will clear itself.
If it is not clear studdy the drawing and pictures again,
Read all info on the drawing. 

I do not understand the drawing or parts but i am Master builder:

Please do check your kit  with another expirienced builder 4 eyes see more as 2 eyes 

I have a wooden part in my kit and it is a bit crummy:

Unfortunatly that is the thing with wood , we can not guarantee this ,
Even cnccut from a sheet may looks straight, but taken out it might warp
If neccesary , steam it and bend it straight and if that does not work 
send us a picture so we can see what can be done to  fix this.
Most of the time just mount it and it will straighten itself in the structure.

I have a small crack or flange in my vacuumformed part:

Unfortunatly this can happend, but it is easy fixed by glueing a small piece
of wood behind it and sand the part , it is no reason for sending a new part.
If in doubt send a picture.

I have a small crack  in my canopy:

Hardly to expect ,the canopy is made of polycarbonate or petg 
that material does not crack. 

I have cut the wing sheeting but it is to small now:

Drawings shrink and expand , always make oversize sheet etc

My parts do not fit on the drawing :

Drawings shrink and expand the cnccut parts are the exact size you need.

I do not have enough strip planking:

That is on you we have build the kit before and counting exact the 
Items neccesary for the kit, please do not spill.

I have spoiled my duct plastic:

Go to a office supply there you can find this 0,3mm pvc sheet.

I want to know the wing incidence angle.

Not importand for you it is al taken care of 
Do build as per plan and if you really for some reason
want to know ,lay out a few rulers on the drawing and there
you can see it.

The wing helpformer is wrong on the drawing.

No it is not, do make as per drawing small ribs need only a few mm
for the setting big ribs more mm's

There is no side thrust in the drive set

If there is not it is not needed, build it as per plan

How do i finish the vacuumformed parts ?

You have to use a plastic primer , spray cans do not hold on this parts.

How do i finish my kit :

Check the build forums there is plenty of information on this 
we prefer glass finish , but for some kits plastic foil is ok.

I can not find the retracts :

the retract specs are on the drawing and the supplyer also ,
We are not selling retracts, and we do not have any info more as on the drawing
You have to find them yourself if the advised ones are not in stock , many companys have them
Check alieexpres , bangood etc etc

How do i fly my rbckit ?

Depending on the kit , gliders are easy , jets and warbirds are more difficult,
If you do not have expierence with edf jets , let a expirenced friend fly your bird.
check the throws as shown on the drawing , and use dual rate switch just in case 
Do not pull it of the ground , let it fly 

Do RBCkits fly ?

Yes of cause , would you ask the same question to Graupner or Robbe, or Sig ?.
Our kits are build and flight proven.
No you are not the guinea pig for some kit cutter.

I am very happy with my kit:

Well good to hear that you can make a small review for the website
You can do that on the product page
Or on facebook we love pictures and movies.
Click here for our Facebook






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