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Gloster G40


Product Information

Gloster G40



A Fast and stable model



     Design Features:
All Formers And Ribs CNC Cut
Unique Tab Lock Design
Two Piece Design
Wing Area: 28,5 dm2
Wing Span; 1280 mm
Flight Weight: Starts at 1900 grams
Wing Loading: 54gr dm2 to 75gr dm2
3 Channel , Ailerons ,Elevator & Throttle
      Kit Includes:
Full Size Rolled Cad Plans With All Parts Shown
Vacuformed Canopy , Servo Covers, Pilot  
Paper Intake Tube , PVC/Paper  Outlet Tube
No Control Horns , Steering Cables 
no hardware in the kit
      Required to Complete:
Any inexpensive 3 Channel Radio
Light weight Receiver:
Light weight Servos: About 18 grams
Motor: Hetrc EDF600 serie
RBC 70 amp Speed Controller
Wemotec Midi fan or schuberle DS51
Battery:5S to 6S lipo
Thick and Thin CA glue
Bungee Launch req.
The Gloster is prepared for retracts

Now some building pictures for impression.


First flight with a P20

and a bit more Thanks Dickie

here the latest movie




Build up fuselage . lots of strip planking

Fuselage splits in the middle for easy motor and fan acces

Classic build up wing

Classic build up elevator and rudder not flat plates

Motor is situated in the center of the fuselage for CG reasons


Lots of wood building the Gloster will give many hours of Building Fun





Product Code: GLOW2

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