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Product Information



Cells 3s1550 lipo
Power req :Typhoon 29/12/10 or Typhoon 15/10
Controls: 3x servo
Including: cad drawing, Canopy ,Cowl
instructions and superb cad drawing 
Wood build precision kit

Instructions for this kit are on the drawing


H75 "HAWK"


The H75 "HAWK" is a cnc cut kit with all parts supplied
The fuselage is built crutch style, one straight horizontal fuselage piece in the full length of the fuselage is the building board, at this piece you ad all the parts that made up the fuselage (this is approx. 1 hour work).
Then its time to ad some longerons from 3mm balsa, shape this to form and 1,5mm balsa can be placed on the sides. Tailparts are also supplied and made that straight angles are easy done. Also supplied are the vacuformed cowling and canopy.
The canopy is supplied smooth, we found it easier to ad prepainted self adhesive tape at the canopy for simulating the alu ribs. The wing is the easybuilt wing, just ad ribs to the mainspars and your wing is almost ready, ad the bottom sheeting, ad the inserts (cable etc) and ad the top sheeting.
For covering it's up to you, I prefer jap tissue and filler dope, but film covering is also possible.
For electric power the speed 600 8,4 volts is the right one and it's low cost, ad the Master Airscrew gearbox (twin ballbearings) and 2" midpiece, and the 12x10 gear prop from Graupner and 8 cells 1700ma and now you've power for easy hand launching without stress, 6,5 minutes off flying time with this combination and power to spare, loops and rolls are easy. Landing is also easy this bird has no bad habits.



This are pictures of the construction
of the Curtiss H75 HAWK,
An excelent dogfighter.
All parts CNC cut and stick together construction.
Wingspan 1000mm
weight 1300grm
power speed 600 with Master Airscrew gear and 8 cells 1700ma.



The kit contains all parts to finish the airframe , including template drawing , steering cables, rudder horns , vacuformed canopy and cowl.



Product Code: H75N3

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