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F4D-Skyray 90mm edf


5.0 average, based on 3 reviews

Manufacturer: rbckits

Product Information

Douglas F4D-Skyray 

For 90mm edf or Turbine

Design Features:

All Formers And Ribs CNC Cut

Unique Tab Lock Design

One Piece Design


Wing Area: 48 dm2

Wing Span; 976 mm

Lenght :1350mm

Flight Weight: Starts at 2900 grams

Wing Loading: 54gr dm2 to 75gr dm2

4 Channel , Ailevons , Throttle,retracts

      Kit Includes:

Photo Instructions Download here  Full cd download here

Full Size Rolled Cad Plans With All Parts Shown

Vacuformed Canopy , fairings , nose cone  

Paper Intake Tube , PVC/Paper  Outlet Tube

Ther is no hardware in the kit

Required to Complete:

Any inexpensive 4 Channel Radio

Light weight Receiver:

 Servos: About 25 grams metal gear

Motor: Hetrc EDF650/1500 serie
Wemotec Midi fan Evo 90mm

Midifan Evo 6Sdrive set 

Battery:6S lipo

Thick and Thin CA glue, small screws
Small parts not in kit:

Control Horns , Steering Cables
Canopy closing
Hinges ca type 

Bungee Launch or Retracts (prepared)  

Glass finish : 2mtr 25 gr glass and we used PS100 polyurethane or use filler dope

Small example movie here

Cool flight from Daniel Mechtl

Very nice movie from Chris akroyd 

Some building pictures:

All fine cnccut plywood and balsa self aligning building frame

Very easy build up wing

Hard to make fairings are vacuumformed for easy construction

A nice scale like build up rudder

Clear petg canopy with framing, is also the battery acces 

Retracts can be fitted formers are in the kit and on the drawing there is a large range
Of retracts to choose most will fit without any problem, there are no hinges etc for the hatches
In the kit

Nice wood build model

Product Code: F4DKMGQZ42

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 5

Peach to fly

Just maidened mine. It took about a month from start to finish. I replaced the paper inlet with very thin ply, moved the EDF to the rear of the mounts and used a FW 9 blade 80mm fan running on a 6S 5000. I didn’t add the intake joiner, just used the bell mouth on the Fan. Retracts used were from Motion RC (grippen mains and Venom nose gear). AUW is 6.6lbs ready to fly. Took off in about 60ft and cruised at 1/2 throttle and required zero trim. What a sweet flying bird this is. Landing was a peach, nose high. 2nd flight replicated the maiden, just so I knew it wasn’t a fluke

Christian Ackroyd :: 30 Aug 2023, 12:57

Super Skyray!

Build took around 3 months as I am not a fast builder & I took my time ! Kit, plan & downloaded instructions were easy to follow & I took the advice to mount the 90mm edf unit further aft to give more of a rearward centre of gravity. Although retracts are fitted I also a hook for bungee launch as my flying site is grass & not suitable for small wheels. First flights today with a 2250 6s battery off the bungee went well, fast but no major trimming needed apart from extra ballast in the nose, excellent performance & amazing glide without power!

Jeremy Wilkinson :: 19 Aug 2022, 21:39

fantastic jet in a perfect size

I bulit this kit about 2 years ago and meanwhile, have approx. 50 flights on it. With the Stream Fan, I get almost 8 min of flight time out of a 5000 6S Battery. at 3 kg, my "Ford" is a little overweight, due to the fairly heavy metal retracs and my glass finish. Nevertheless, it's a very docile flyer that I don't wonat to miss. Kit quality was (of course) excellent. I just replaced some of the vac-formed parts on the air intakes with balsa blocks. Looking forward now to my F-84 (the kit is already here - just need to finish another project before. Michael

Michael Hoeltkemeyer :: 15 Oct 2019, 21:45

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