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Mig 29


5.0 average, based on 1 reviews

Product Information


For mini fan 480 and 3-4S Lipo 3200
Power req :Hetrc edf 2w or 2w-20 or 3W
Controls: 2x servo
Including: cad drawing, canopy ,Full cd download here
Photo instructions
Wood build precision kit

The Halair Mig 29

Nice movie


Picture "Copyright (C) 2002, 2012 Dan Savage - All Rights Reserved"


      Design Features:
All Formers And Ribs CNC Cut
Unique Tab Lock Design
One Piece Design
Unique Motor/Fan compartment closing.
Easy Battery Acces through Canopy
Wing Area: 13 dm2
Wing Span; 650 mm
Flight Weight: Starts at 1100 grams
Wing Loading: 64gr dm2 to 75gr dm2
4 Channel Elevator, Ailerons & Throttle (ailevons needs delta mixer)  
      Kit Includes:
Photo Instructions Download here
Full Size Rolled Cad Plans With All Parts Shown
Vacuformed Canopy , Nose Cone
PVC Outlet Tube
No Control Horns , Steering Cables or hardware in this kit
      Required to Complete:
3 Channel Radio with delta mixer
Light weight Receiver:
Light weight Servos: About 9 grams (2x)
Motor: Hetrc edf 2W (3 lipo) or 2W-20(4 lipo)
Speed controller 60-80 amps
Wemotec Mini Fan 480
Battery: 3S or 4S 3200 lipo
Thick and Thin CA glue
Bungee Launch req.
The Mig 29 can be handlaunched.                                  


Now some building pictures for impression.






Mig 29
I have spent quite a lot of time building this model. My third RBC kit.
First the AT6 Harvard.(very fast) then the Yak 23 Flora (balance point 
too far back on plan?) : No the balance point is correct on the plan :
and finally the Mig 29 so I was used to the building tecnique of not a 
lot of info on the plan. 
The problem is that it flys quite well once it is air bourne but it does not like hand launching!
(it handlaunches really easy see the movie )
So far 8 launches and only one flight! I instaled a hook for a bungee
but I think it was too far foreward (is not a problem to have it forward) 
so a new location has been found between the dummy motors and
when time and weather agree we will try again.I'll 
let you know when successfull and will send photos. Mike Brown Thanks Mike
Apr 27 2010, 19:42 PM :: Mike Brown 


Product Code: MIGT2

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 5

mig 29

easy build flys great hand launches easly with half power. make sure your motor fan tube is perfectly round when glueing can cause thrust line problems if not round flies 120 mph level flight awsome.

james maduzia :: 2 Dec 2019, 06:45

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