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Pou du Ciel


Stock Level: 3

Product Information

pou du Ciel HM16

Cells 8xgp1100
Power req :Geared Speed 400
Controls: 2x servo
Including: horns cables etc
instructions and superb cad drawing 
Wood build precision kit
Landing gear bend yourself, very easy

Download instructions here


Pou du Ciel


This is a scale model of a French homebuilt., also called Flying Flea or Himmelslaus.
This is the prototype of Max Zuijdendorp's Pou, Max did a excellent designing job.




2 prototypes on the field.



Added with dummy motor and pilot




Easy battery access through front hatch.



Tail detail (very easy)



Wood parts are milled finely  with a very thin mill for sharp corners.



The drawing is from outstanding cad quality with all parts shown.



Here the Naked Pou, a wood builders dream.




So far the Pou du Ciel pictures, a easy to built and fly scale model without bad habits







Flying weight:



   7 to 8 500AR

Geared speed:

   400 7,2v



Product Code: POUE4

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