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Scale outboard racers

Scale outboard racers

Here you find our Scale USA Oldtimer Outboard Racers Scaled down to 1:5,2 ready for the 152OC open class racing


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Fooling racer 1:5,2 outboard racer

Fooling racer 1:5,2 outboard racer


Fooling  scale1:5,2 ready for the outboard class Former set only , includes boat stand  New movie Here  Weig…

Saucy Shingle 1:5,2 scale outboard

Saucy Shingle 1:5,2 scale outboard


Contains : cnc cut parts all formers , cnccut all sheeting in 1mm ply ,there is no boat stand in this ,steering wheel…

Steering Rope outboard racers

Steering Rope outboard racers


Steering rope for the outboard  racers 2mtrx1mm polyester wire looks really scale btw red/white 

Yellow Jacket scale 1:5,2 outboard racer

Yellow Jacket scale 1:5,2 outboard racer


Our Yellow Jacket scale outboard racer available as a complete kit The Yellow Jacket is scaled down from original 1:5,2…

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