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5.0 average, based on 1 reviews

Stock Level: 1

Product Information

The RBCkits SpringerTug wood version,

Lenght: 460mm

Beam: 203mm

kit includes :

all cnc cut parts in 3 and 2 mm plywood , and balsa parts, spruce
Boat stand from ply

The aditional hardware has to be bought seperate, you need.
Shaft , rudder set,speed 600, servo , speed controller, battery , some fasteners and some things to nice it up
as crane , horn etc.

Finish the Tug with paint
Full cd download here

 Review Modellwerft 8-2013 page1,page2,page3,page4,pag5,page6,page7

Easy building always straight

removable control plate

wheel house in 2mm

or design your own wheel house



Product Code: SPRP8I6098

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 5


Great kit easy to build and good sailing

Danny :: 4 Dec 2017, 08:23

Write a review


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