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Micro P51


Product Information

Micro P51 as designed by Ton Van Munsteren for The RCM and E

Note : 10 of these kits wil fitt in the same shipping cost as 1

Laser Cut Now

Motor : 151022 (16gr) with prop 5x4.3
Esc : 10Amp with Bec
Battery : 2S lipo 500mah (40gr)

Download instructions page1 , page2 here

Movie here

in the short kit are:

5 sheets of cnc cut balsa in 2mm and 3mm and a motor former,balsa 2mm, leading edges
,No steering cables, everybody using tiny micro servos nowadays

P-51 Micro Warbird
Very refreshing kit to build nice and simple but with some nice design ideas.
Flies really well in surprisingly strong winds. Mine is covered 
in tissue and dope just for a little fun
Jan 27 2014, 15:42 PM :: Danny Fenton (

Product Code: MIC4BH1Y17

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