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OS 2U Kingfisher Float kit


Manufacturer: rbckits

Product Information

Float set for the OS 2U Kingfisher  only available as short kit

Complete set :only formers no small parts or sheet, includes vacuumformings

Woodbuild mainfloat and vacuumformed stands and side floats
The kit includes all small parts

Unfortunatly we did supply the K&S streamline tubes nr 1103 but this not  sold here anymore
we ad round aluminum tube for this now, make streamlined with some scrap balsa

Power needed for th OS 2U is a HK G60 400kv and a 14x10 prop , 4 to 6 S lipo 4000
Note the maximum prop is a 14" 

Check out the movie 

more build pictures soon


Product Code: OS I7YMU2

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