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P59 Airacomet


Manufacturer: rbckits

Product Information

P59 Airacomet

For 90mm Midi fan Evo edf and 8 cells 5000 (a FMS unit or equ will not work in rbckits edf jets)
The P59is very easy to fly 

See the movie here

second movie , better weather slow landing

Full cd download here

Design Features:
All Formers And Ribs 192 cnccut parts in balsa and ply
Unique Tab Lock Design
Removable wings for easy transportation and Storage
Wing Area: 44 dm2
Wing Span; 1570 mm
Lenght :1300mm
Flight Weight: Starts at 4100 grams
6 Channel , Ailerons,elevator,Throttle,Retracts, flaps,nosewheel steering
Kit Includes:
Photos and Instructions on CD
Full Size Rolled Cad Plans With All Parts Shown
Vacuformed Canopy,nosecone, Exhaust ducting,Paper inlet ducting
All wood and sheeting to make the P59
There is no hardware  in the P59
Required to Complete:

Any 7 Channel Radio 
Light weight Receiver:
Servos: About 13 grams metal gear   ailerons needs stronger type 30gr
Motor: Hetrc EDF650/68/1500 8s or for more power use the 1600KV

Wemotec Midi fan Evo 90mm
Battery:8S lipo 5000ma note for size
Thick and Thin CA glue, 3/3
Small parts screws etc are not in kit ; a list of parts is included 

Now some building pictures:

Wing classic build wood ribs and formers sheeted

Stick on wings with dowels, very strong 

Build up stabilizers

Exhaust duct vacuumformed builds into fuselage

All strip sheeting fuselage, a nice job

Nice job when finished

Batterie space tight fit you can slide battery in nose also.

Finished, retracts are explained on drawing and there are a lot of pictures on teh cd 

including building instructions

Product Code: P59G7M7670

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