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RBC Electric Formula 1

RBC Electric Formula 1

RBCkits EF1 models , all wood build ,with vacuformed canopy and parts  and made as scale as possible for normal buildingand EF1 class race approval

All kits are flight tested and drawings are reworked so no mistakes can be made.

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Aileron Protection Device APD

Aileron Protection Device APD


A.P.D Aileron Protection Device , A great Idea from Piet Plomp To protect the ailerons and or flap on your wing , fo…

EF1 Little Toni

EF1 Little Toni

€109.00 €90.00

  Electric Formula 1 Little Toni Designed By Dan Kane And Jerry Small Complete woodbuild kit with vacuumformed cow…

EF1 Polecat

EF1 Polecat

€109.00 €92.00

Electric Formula 1 Polecat Designed By Dan Kane And Jerry Small Complete woodbuild kit with vacuumformed cowl ,wheel…

EF1 TomCat

EF1 TomCat

€109.00 €90.00

 Electric Formula 1 TomCat Designed By Dan Kane And Jerry Small Complete woodbuild kit with vacuumformed cowl ,whee…

Rudder Deflection Device

Rudder Deflection Device


Rudder Deflection Device The RBC Rudder Deflection Device  enables you to accurately measure and set your control su…

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