Contains :
cnc cut parts all formers , cnccut all sheeting in 1mm ply ,there is no boat stand in this ,steering wheel and rolls and throttle in ply, cd with all pictures and 3d pdf ,drawing , a ply building jig and stringers.
Servo wheels are also cnccut in this kit
Scale documentation is included on the cd
You need a Outboard motor from Graupner or ose , we used 3S life 2300 cells, and a Ose outboard.
further you need to do the turnfin and steering and the outboard , a doll etc etc.
There is no hardware in this kit .
check out a sample video here
seperat available is :
Turn Fin
Steering wheel small
Gas Tank
Review Schiffsmodell :
Full cd download here
For scale finishing there are additional parts neccesary ,, outboard here
Lenght Hull : 493mm (wo outboard)
Beam: 260mm
weight rtf 1300gr
the former set in 3mm Lite Ply.and in 1mm ply
The model.
Ready floating.
Product Code: SAU59KXP26